ÏEU= 3,1415926535897932384626433832795
"Nightmares come hand in hand with living our dreams."
Age 93, Male
i eat ninja
Joined on 2/15/09
ÏEU= 3,1415926535897932384626433832795
Math homework, always hated it.
Yaaaaaaaaaay...nice gun I want one
party hard
nice to meet you :3
Hi :D
Oh hello, nice test btw ;D
Hello, Im Ellvis, looks like that so many old animators are back in bussiness
Better late than never ;)
Seen some of your stuff, not all that bad at all son. ;)
remember me 6.5 :3
Hmm what?
Thanks :DD
finally, back :D good luck with the animation
do you can join in my collab? or you dont have time?
Ughhh probably.... not. Have other plans on my radar. Thanks anyway.
Dafuq? Welcome back broseph.
I'm raptorsend.
well well well you finaly came back!
we missed you so mush.
Can i have your gun sprites
new post nao!
I know I'm late on this, but glad you returned. WE MISSED YOU!
I know I'm late on this, but glad you returned. WE MISSED YOU!
LoL no , you re dead.
are you dead, please réponse!
Lil bit x.x :(
about blooody time
Haha I love you too, Gabriel.