Hey DIMB, been a long time...
Remember me, babe? ;)
Been browsing around newgrounds recently, here and there, ran into this. Decent animation, style, and... well, kills. I did enjoy watching this, but, not to be rude or such, but... I'd like to see more.... plot. Don't get me wrong, it was badass, but it needs a bit more... something curious, original, exciting, suspenseful every now and then. As you see in the original madness episodes, you see higher ranked grunts with more superior skill, such as the... MAC Agents (Is that what they were called?), summoned ATP agents (Madness 9), Jebus, The Auditor, struggle here and there in battle ;). Also think more original toward the setting / scenes too. Madness is full of them empty grey rooms, but it's nice to see those gates and weapons racks or such every now and then, more towards the scene ;), but I've still gotta love simplicity now and then. Your artwork is exceptional, it has improved, but I suggest you try more Perspective, and uhmmm, those steps on the staircase seemed quite too large, for example. But overall, this was great, much to my amusement. Keep it up, old friend ;)